1Sheeld+ 高階版 for iOS and Android 多功能手機擴展板
台灣智能感測科技官網, 購買更多關於 1Sheeld-plus, 1Sheeld+, arduino, Arduino-Shields, GPS, 加速度計, 簡訊, 藍芽, 電話, 的產品
產品編號: ADS-000493
1Sheeld+ 高階版 for iOS and Android 多功能手機擴展板 可以支援四十餘種擴展功能
1Sheeld+ 將您的智慧手機變成40個不同的 Arduino 擴展板功能, 語音識別,Twitter,GPS,手柄,相機等等。
1Sheeld +是Arduino易於配置的擴展板。它有一個內置的藍牙低功耗模組,使您的Arduino能夠連接到您的iOS和Android手機。手機端開發應用軟體 App Store和 Google Play商店 提供的1Sheeld應用,您可以輕鬆將您的Android智能手機與其相關聯,並將您的智能手機變成一個防護屏。
1Sheeld+ 能做什麼?
天空才是極限!你有一個強大的智慧手機,可以用來控制你的遙控車,控制你的家電,並與朋友玩。現在已經開發出多種虛擬屏幕,例如LED,切換按鈕,蜂鳴器,滑塊,LCD,7段,鍵盤,音樂播放器,遊戲手柄,通知,Twitter,Facebook,Foursquare,陀螺儀,短信,手電筒和麥克風。1Sheeld +一塊擴展板等於有 40 多個擴展功能,你可以在這裡查看。
1Sheeld+ for iOS and Android
The 1Sheeld+ is an easily configured shield for Arduino. It has a built-in bluetooth low energy module that gives to your Arduino the capability to connect itself to your iOS and Android phones. Thanks to the 1Sheeld app available on the App Store andGoogle Play Store you can easily associate your Android smartphone to it and turning your smartphone in a shield itself.
Once connected you can control your Arduino with the smartphone sending data and controlling pins but you can also do the opposite. The 1Sheeld library gives to your Arduino the full control of the smartphone. So the Arduino can send e-mails, control the Camera, use Voice Recognition, send Facebook and Twitter notification and basically everything a powerful smartphone can do.You can use your smartphone as LCD, Accelerometer, GPS, SMS, Phone, and all your smartphone capabilities as Arduino shields, without having to buy all of them.
What can you do with 1Sheeld?Sky is the limit! You have a powerful smartphone that can be used to control your RC car, control your home appliance , and have fun with your friends.1Sheeld have already developed a variety of virtual shields for 1Sheeld+ like LED, Toggle Button, Buzzer, Slider, LCD, 7-Segment, Keypad, Music Player, Game P
更多關於 1Sheeld+ 高階版 for iOS and Android 多功能手機擴展板 的技術文件與範例