Grove - Infrared Receiver 發射器模組
台灣智能感測科技官網, 購買更多關於 Infrared, Infrared-Receiver, IR, IR-Receive, Receiver, 紅外線接收, 的產品
產品編號: SNR-000312
Grove - Infrared Receiver 發射器模組
紅外線接收器模組用於接收紅外信號,也用於遠程控制檢測。紅外接收器上有一個紅外探測器,用來探測紅外發射器發射的紅外光。紅外探測器內部有一個解調器,可以在38KHz的頻率下尋找調製的紅外。紅外接收器可以在10米範圍內接收信號。如果超過10米,接收器可能無法獲得信號。我們經常使用兩個樹叢 - 紅外接收器和 Grove - 紅外發射器模組一起工作。
官方技術文件 Wiki
IR Send and Receiver Library
IR Receive Library for LinkIt ONE
TSOP282 Datasheet
Grove - Infrared Receiver eagle files
The Infrared Receiver is used to receive infrared signals and also used for remote control detection. There is a IR detector on the Infrared Receiver which is used to get the infrared light emitted by the Infrared Emitter. The IR detector have a demodulator inside that looks for modulated IR at 38 KHz. The Infrared Receiver can receive signals well within 10 meters. If more than 10 meters , the receiver may not get the signals. We often use the two Twigs-the Infrared Receiver and the Infrared Emitter to work together.
Technical Details
20mm x 20mm x 10mm
G.W 6g
Part List
Grove - Infrared Receiver
更多關於 Grove - Infrared Receiver 發射器模組 的技術文件與範例